A rich business man--a visitor from out of town--said "Why aren't you out there fishing this afternoon?"
The fisherman said, "I've caught all I need for today... and
I'm just sitting back here, smoking my pipe and enjoying the beautiful day."
"But", the businessman objected, "if you were to use your
time fishing, you could catch more fish and then sell
what you don't need and make some extra money."
"And then what?" replied the fisherman.
"Well," replied the business man, "after saving enough
money from your sales, you could buy a new and
bigger boat that would take you out further into sea and
you could catch bigger fish and make even more money."
"And then what?" said the fisherman.
"Well, then you could buy a whole fleet of boats and catch thousands of fish and
make thousands of dollars in one day and become rich like me."
"And then what?" asked the fisherman.
"Well," then you could sit back and enjoy life like I do" said the rich man.
"Well," said the fisherman, "Isn't that what I'm doing already?"